Marketing Automation Shorts
A series of three high impact 15 minute webinars covering the Basics, Tactics and Future of Marketing Automation
Why should I attend?
Marketing Automation is a need to know in terms of how it can help with lead generation, sales conversion or client retention.
Even if this isn't your bag, maybe an understanding of what is possible should be useful?
Year on year adoption by UK businesses of this technology is growing and in 2025 it is expected to exceed 20%. With the advent of AI (Artificial Intelligence) driving a new wave of Sales and Marketing transformations, your business will need to adopt this technology or competitors will steal your market.
This series of 3 high impact short 15 minute webinars is followed by a Q&A session that look to educate, inspire and provide Marketing Automation insights.
Registration is FREE
Use the form to register for any or all the webinars, details on each below.
Webinar Dates
Marketing Automation Basics
Thursday March 27th - 1.30pm
Marketing Automation Tactics
Wednesday April 9th - 1.30pm
Marketing Automation - The Future
Wednesday April 23rd - 1.30pm