GDPR Compliance with Marketing Automation

GDPR and Marketing Automation are a natural fit

GDPR and Marketing Automation are a natural fit. Best practice inbound marketing, driven using a Marketing Automation system, naturally respects the rights of the individual, whilst nurturing leads with higher conversion and increased value. The Marketing Automation platforms, integrated into your CRM provide a single point to store, manage and process all your prospect data. Therefore making GDPR compliance much easier and minimising the impacts on your business.


GDPR compliance: Rights of the Individual

Your business systems, which may include a Marketing Automation solution, need to provide business processes and systems to support GDPR compliance. Your systems will hold Personal data on customers and prospects. You need to be able to provide your customers and prospects with the following:

  • Visibility on the personal data you hold and for what purposes
  • easy way to request their details you have stored on them
  • Easy way for them to requests amendments to the data you hold
  • Provide assurances and be able to demonstrate that data is secure and not being held for longer than necessary
  • Assurances and be able to demonstrate that their data is only be held for legitimate purposes consistent with your business intentions
  • Ability to easily unsubscribe from communications
  • Ability to request and comply with a request to erase their personal data

Advantages of Marketing Automation to support GDPR compliance

Marketing Automation systems hold all your customer and prospect data in 1 place, often in a secure cloud environment.

If not built in, your Marketing Automation solution will be connected to your social media, website, CRM and internal systems. Therefore Marketing Automation tracks your prospects and customers journey from first contact to latest purchase.

Segmentation by status,  lists, personas and campaigns provides legitimacy and purpose for the data you hold

Details are kept on how and when records are created and full tracking through your CRM and media channels means you have a timeline of interactions of each individual and can determine your last engagement.

Membership Marketing AutomationYou can setup automated task through forms embedded on your website to provide a mechanism for customers and prospects to request details on the data you hold. This data is easily exported and sent to the individual. A similar form can be used to request changes to data. Removal from lists, or amendments to data is easy within a Marketing Automation system and once completed automated tasks can confirm the changes back to the individual.

Marketing Automation allows engagement scores to decay over time.  It will be possible to run tasks to automatically removal of prospects from marketing lists after a set period of non-engagement, with complete anonymisation of data after a further latency period.

As Marketing Automation solutions used best practice email marketing and communications, auto unsubscribe is built in.

Finally with our preferred Marketing Automation supplier, erasure of personal data will be a simple process. Rather than delete the record, it will be anonymised, so although the personal data is erased, the transactional history is maintained to keep business reporting integrity.

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Success requires a good partner

Marketing Automation PartnerJust installing a Marketing Automation platform is not guaranteed to deliver success. Like most businesses success, it's the quality of the people who put the Marketing Automation system together than really generate the success.

Alldigital Marketing utilises the skills of a team of experienced digital marketers who are passionate about delivering solutions that drive strong returns on investment.

Alldigital Marketing will...

  • Take the time to understand your business, your products and services and your customers
  • Facilitate the process to identify your buyer personas, define the needs of your personas through all the stages of the buying cycle and add experience and creativity to build an effective content plan
  • Call upon the experience of thousands of fellow consultants with 30,000-plus customers to ensure we bring solutions to bear that we know work
  • Help you measure the effectiveness of your Marketing Automation and guide you through the whole process

Contact Alldigital Marketing now by completing our Contact Us form or call John on 07956 306 940.


Marketing Automation explained...