Alldigital Marketing Resources

Archive by category: Marketing AutomationReturn
A series of three high impact 15 minute webinars covering the Basics, Tactics and Future of Marketing Automation
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When in "growth" mode, for which marketing automation is essential, we need to keep a check on our content creation and make sure out content remains king. Here are some tips to help with your content planning.
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Lead scoring is a feature used in Marketing Automation or advanced CRMs to identify the people who’ve shown the most interest in your product or service. When ordered from highest score to lowest, those with the highest score are your hottest leads. Lead scoring is the process of assigning a “score” to engagement activity, and your contacts “lead score” is broadly the cumulative score attained through their engagement activity to date. The higher the score the more engaged that person is...
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Marketing Automation uses customer insights to gain a greater understanding of how your customers think and feel about your products and services. Here we explain how automated tasks can build a picture of your customer, use the intelligence to create bespoke campaigns and respond to your customer needs. With Marketing Automation there is no better way to ensure your customer gets a personalised experience of your brand, and you see higher level conversions and ROI.
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The quality of communication between your business and a prospect can make the difference between a good deal, and a great deal. Marketing Automation, by adding that the personal touch, helps build trust and confidence in your business. In this article we look at how Drip Fed nurture campaigns can be created as bespoke communications, giving a lead all the information needed to make an informed decision and buy into your brand.
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User segmentation is the foundation for personalised communication. Segmenting your audience can help you add relevance to your emails, landing pages, paid ads, or other marketing campaigns. Every segment has distinguishing characteristics, needs, and interests that your Marketing Automation platform can utilise to enhance your customer journey, productivity and conversions.
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Step back and take a look at how you approach the business of attracting new customers, or even ensuring the ones you have are getting the commitment from your brand that they deserve. Marketing Automation is a simple to use platform with a suite of integrated tools that work together, across your business to generate leads, drive sales and enhance conversion rates. More and more business are converting to this technology, aligning teams, and increasing productivity through the streamlined p...
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Do you know – That using Marketing Automation is not just an asset for your bottom line on sales, it’s a great benefit for your sales and marketing teams. Marketing Automation aligns your business saving both time and money.
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Effective Marketing Automation campaigns need to start with an understanding of the buyer to ensure they get the best possible experience from your business. Using customer insights, generated from automated campaigns, gain deeper knowledge of how your customers think and feel about your products and services, boost their confidence in your company, enhance sales, drive customer loyalty and stand out from the competition.
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Marketers get obsessed with marketing strategies and tactics and forget the basics. Marketing is and always was about understanding your audience and finding ways to engage with them. this article may be short but it sits at the heart of best practice marketing.
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